For details of my route please click here
For about the first 30km of my ride the route is rolling and mostly up hill. Up to this point quiet again no one nothing trees, trees, trees, oh, and the odd church.
11h47 - I discover a food stand at the edge of the road, the Sunset Cabana.

At about 35km the route starts to plateau, just when I am starting to feel strong pangs of hunger.
12h45 - Make a pit stop to refuel at Linsmore Café and Store.

13h15 - Back on the road it is nice and flat now and still very quiet.
14h12 - Traffic has picked, I'm seeing more vehicles

15h47 - I'm in the town of New Glasgow, what a change of scenery so I decide to stop and take some video of the downtown from the bridge that crosses the East River of Pictou. A woman enquires what I am doing and tell her about my project. She's intrigued and wonders why Caribou Harbour as there isn't much there now. She does have a faint memory as a child hearing about the lobster processing plant as some of her relatives worked there but she was young and work was not a subject of interest at family gatherings so doesn't have much to offer me in the way of stories.
My thoughts wander it’s beautiful here, serene, tranquil almost too tranquil. There are so few signs, so few markers along the route. So little information readily available. It is easy to feel you are in another world, one of the present only. What has taken place in the past is irrelevant.

17h20 - I have arrived.
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