7h05 departure a bit chilly but it is only partly cloudy this morning. A bit of sun will be good it helps to energize the body and my body could use a bit of help. It reluctantly starts turning the pedals, moving the bike forward ever so slowly ...

7h45 On Jane Street, as usual, heading north passing Alex Auto, Jane Pharmacy, the Dollar Joint, La Stella Bakery, Nice One Nails, India Africa Groceries, B's Place, Cash Money, Royal Caribean Cuisine, Grace Food Market, Juicy Jerk ...

Many small businesses housed within the two-storey building that line the street.
I become overwhelmed by how my viewing experience is saturated by advertising. Like a virus it infects every surface - light posts, the sides of buildings, front of buildings, on top of buildings, in every window, on the back of buses, on the side of cars and trucks. Nothing is immune. Not even my brain.

7h54 - Still cycling north on Jane there are no more small buildings lining the road. A series of high rise apartment towers have sprouted, lining both sides of the street.

I notice that I am coasting quite easily through this territory. The winds are from the SW, a tailwind. This is good, my body is hurting and the view is not encouraging, the wind is helping my body to propel my bike forward beyond this area and getting me closer to my destination just that much faster.

8h36 - Now cycling through the suburban sprawl of Vaughn and

8h52 -Still on Jan

e Street, north of Maple in farmland now. It's much quieter here only traffic I encounter is heading south toward Toronto. I'm alone heading north to where I must go. My mind is at ease I can focus on my pedal stroke, keeping my cadence above 100rpm. So easy, my body and bike have become one spinning me forward across the pavement faster and faster. I reach 120rpm, two full pedal strokes per second ... I go higher and my bike responds driving my speeds above 30km/h. Feels good but doesn't last for long I come to a red light at King Road intersection.

9h16 - Almost finished my journey along Jane Street, approaching Kettleby Road where I turn right. Almost there.
9h22 - Six minutes later I'm there.

9h40 - Heading back now, south along Keele Street. The wind is in my face but as it is mostly downhill from here on in, it isn't holding me back too much. It will only get better when I reach the city as the buildings provide protection. I can only dep

end on the trees to break the wind during this part of my commute. The houses and barns are too low and far from the road to be of use to me.

10h59 - Back in the city, on Keele Street just south of the 401. I pass a mix of plazas and working class housing.

11h07 - now on Caledonia Road. It is lined with small businesses. Further south the businesses are taken over by residential neighbourhoods.

11h24 - Almost there I see the No Frills at the corner of Dundas and Lansdowne. Do I need groceries?
11h30 - I'm here.

Speed Graph
Cadence Graph
Elevation Graph

Heart Rate Graph
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